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Prehistoric Mega Species That Reigned Before Dinosaurs


Prehistoric Mega-Species that Reigned Before Dinosaurs

Unveiling the Ancient Giants

Before the colossal reign of dinosaurs, Earth witnessed the astonishing presence of prehistoric mega-species that left an indelible mark on our planet's history. These extraordinary creatures, spanning diverse lineages, dominated terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems for millions of years, leaving behind a legacy that continues to captivate our imaginations.

10 Prehistoric Mega-Species

  1. Arthropleura: A giant millipede that measured up to 8 feet in length, resembling an armored tank.
  2. Jaekelopterus: A massive scorpion that reached a length of over 8 feet, the largest recorded arthropod ever.
  3. Lystrosaurus: A stocky herbivore that resembled a hippopotamus, adapting to extreme arid conditions.
  4. Dimetrodon: A sail-backed predator with a sail on its back for thermoregulation.
  5. Dunkleosteus: An armored fish known as the "King of the Fish" with crushing teeth and a powerful bite.
  6. Eryops: A giant amphibian that resembled a crocodile, measuring up to 10 feet in length.
  7. Helicoprion: A bizarre fish with a spiral-shaped tooth whorl inside its mouth.
  8. Thrinaxodon: A protomammal that shared features with both reptiles and mammals, marking the transition to mammalian evolution.
  9. Inostrancevia: A massive gorgonopsid with saber-like teeth, known as the "Gorgonopsid Killer."
  10. Moschops: A herbivorous synapsid that resembled a rhinoceros with bulky horns and armor plates.

Permian Period Dominance

Many of these prehistoric mega-species flourished during the Permian period, approximately 299 to 252 million years ago. During this time, they dominated various ecosystems as apex predators, herbivores, and amphibious creatures. However, a catastrophic extinction event known as the Great Dying, which wiped out over 90% of all marine and 70% of terrestrial species, drastically altered the Earth's ecosystems.

Protomammals: Transitioning to Mammalian Evolution

Protomammals, such as Thrinaxodon, played a significant role in the transition from reptiles to mammals. These creatures bore live young, rather than laying eggs, and possessed fur or hair-like coverings. They represent an evolutionary bridge between the ancient reptiles and the mammalian lineage that ultimately dominated the Earth.


The prehistoric mega-species that reigned before dinosaurs serve as a reminder of the Earth's diverse and awe-inspiring past. Their presence shaped ecosystems, driving evolutionary adaptations and shaping the foundation for the future dominance of dinosaurs and, eventually, humans. Understanding these ancient giants provides valuable insights into the astonishing diversity and complexity of life on our planet throughout its long and fascinating history.

